Application criteria and renewal (2024)

The ESC supports applications from all healthcare professionals (cardiologists, MD, PhD, nurses, allied professionals) in all fields. There are no age criteria.

The application period for becoming a Fellow of the ESC is open from 15 June to 30 September.

Apply now

ESC Fellowship criteria

Applicants have the choice of different tracks to become a FESC. Please note that the required supporting documentation depends on the application track. All supporting documents must be provided in English.

Scientific Excellence

  • Copy of academic diploma (MD., PhD.,nursing or clinical allied professional diploma or equivalent). If not originally in English, translation is mandatory
  • Short list of publications (no more than 20)
    • Minimum 10 publications at least 5 with the applicant as the first or last author
    • On cardiovascular topic
    • Original articles (excluding editorials, reviews, case reports)
    • In peer-reviewed journals
      • Prioritise International scientific journals in your shortlist
  • Two supporting letters:
    • One supporting letter from an ESC Board member or President of anESC National Cardiac Society, an ESC Affiliated National Cardiac Society, or the National Cardiac Society from where the candidate is living/working or a current leader (President or Chair, Immediate-Past President or Immediate-Past Chair, President-Elect) of an ESC Association, ESC Working Group or ESC Council.
      The letter should be on official Institution or Society letterhead and signed by hand
    • One supporting letter from another Fellow of the ESC
  • Short CV

Clinical Excellence

  • Copy of national cardiology diploma(s) - MD., PhD.,nursing or clinical allied professional diploma or equivalent.If not originally in English, translation is mandatory
  • Short list of publications (no more than 6)
    • Minimum 3 publications at least 1 with the applicant as first or last author
    • On cardiovascular topic
    • Original articles (excluding editorials, reviews, case reports)
    • In peer-reviewed journals
      • Prioritise International scientific journals in your shortlist
  • Two supporting letters:
    • One supporting letter from an ESC Board member or President of anESC National Cardiac Society, an ESC Affiliated National Cardiac Society, or the National Cardiac Society from where the candidate is living/working or a current leader (President or Chair, Immediate-Past President or Immediate-Past Chair, President-Elect) of an ESC Association, ESC Working Group or ESC Council.
      The letter should be on official Institution or Society letterhead and signed by hand
    • One supporting letter from aFellow of the ESC
  • At least three years of practice as a board-certified cardiologist, nurse, or an allied professional
  • Short CV
  • Must be a current ESC Professional Member at the time of application for ESC Fellowship - or have held this status in the last 12 months.

Nursing & Allied Professional Excellence in contribution to the ESC mission

  • Copy of academic diploma (s), nursing or allied professional diploma or equivalent.If not originally in English, translation is mandatory.
  • Motivation letter (max two pages) to include evidence of the contribution to the ESC mission in at least two of the following fields: a. professional leadership, b. educational activities, c. advocacy, d. membership.
  • Two supporting letters:
    • One supporting letter from an ESC Board member or President of anESC National Cardiac Society, an ESC Affiliated National Cardiac Society, or President/Chair, of an ESC Body.
      The letter should be on official Institution or Society letterhead and signed by hand.
    • One supporting letter from a Fellow of the ESC
  • Short CV
  • Must be a currentESC Professional Memberat the time of application for ESC Fellowship - or have held this status in the last 12 months.

Application Procedure

Please follow the procedures below:

  • Select your application category (Scientific, Clinical)
  • Browse the documentation requested, depending on the category, and upload (all documentation has to be translated into English)
  • Submit the application before the deadline of 30 September (year N)

The application must contain all specified documents. No paper submissions will be accepted.

The application deadline is 30 September, year N for ESC Fellowship to be awarded at the ESC Congress in year N+1. The newly elected FESC will be informed in November, year N of acceptance/rejection of the application.

The newly elected ESC Fellow should pay the Fellowship fee before 30 December, year N. Thus, all FESC benefits, privileges and duties formally begin on 1 January, year N+1.

The Election Process

Applications submitted after the annual deadline will not be considered by the FESC Task Force. The FESC Task Force reviews complete applications only and the candidate is informed by email of acceptance/rejection of the application.

Annual Fellowship Fee Rules

The yearly Fellowship fee is €450 and covers the period from 1 January to 31 December. Newly elected FESC receive their request for payment in December. The request for payment is mailed and the payment must be received before 30 December to ensure the delivery of the selected Journal in early January (year N + 1). Payment should be made online.

The payment of the yearly Fellowship fee generates the Fellows Privileges. On 1 January, all advantages for Fellows will be cancelled if the Fellowship fee remains unpaid.

After two years of non-payment of fees, consecutively or not, the Fellow will be informed of his/her exclusion from the ESC Fellowship, unless payment is received within three months. An excluded Fellow will remain a Member of the ESC if he/she is a Member of an ESC Constituent Body, and his/her reintegration in the ESC Fellowship (FESC) register will be accepted upon payment of all due fees.

A "pay in order" principle applies: the Fellowship fee is due every year and one may only pay the Fellowship fee of the given year, upon payment of the fee of the previous year.

Exemption of Payment Rules

In the case where a Fellow is unable to pay his/her Fellowship fee, he/she must contact the Membership Services Department before November, giving the full reason for his/her inability to send the payment. The reason should be unexpected (e.g. sudden significant illness or similar). Differences in economic standards of various countries will not be accepted as a reason for exemption, as this was known to the candidate before he/she applied for the ESC Fellowship.

The FESC Task Force will then take a decision. Exemption will be possible only for specific reasons and the evaluation will be made on a case-by-case basis. The exemption is valid only for one year and cannot be repeated.

A Fellow exempted from payment will retain his/her Fellowship title and privileges.

Emeritus Fellow - EFESC

The status of Emeritus Fellow is conferred by the FESC Task Force upon written request of the Fellow when he/she reaches a minimum age of 60 years and retires from full-time work. Proof of retirement must be provided to the Fellowship Department.

An Emeritus Fellow retains the title of Fellow but is no longer required to pay the annual Fellowship fee.

He/she is entitled to attend the ESC Congress at a reduced registration fee.

The status of Emeritus Fellows of the ESC will not be offered to Fellows with outstanding fees unpaid to the ESC.


FESC fees are due every year. Payments should be made by credit card, in euros only through your My ESC account.

Data Privacy Statement

The information collected during FESC application process is subject to data processing and storage.

The recipient of the data is the European Society of Cardiology (ESC staff, FESC Selection Committee, and Executive Board), and the email address will be used to contact candidate regarding their Fellowship application.

The Application Form will be stored for 5 years.

If and when promoted FESC:

- your Name, Country and Fellowship status and Election Year may be listed publicly on the ESC website and other promotional materials.

- If you are a member of an ESC National Cardiac Society, your Fellowship status and Election Year may be shared with your national society for membership administration purposes (for example to help identify eligible members and Fellows for grants, awards and initiatives such as mentoring).

In accordance with the chapter 3 of the European Regulation 2016/679 with regards to data protection, you have the right to request from ESC, access to and rectification or erasure of your personal data or restriction of processing concerning your data or to object to processing as well as the right to data portability.

For such, please contact:

Data Privacy

European Society of Cardiology

Les Templiers

2035 Route des Colles

CS 80179 Biot


Be aware that a proof of identity will be requested during the process via a secured web link.

Or by email

You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, and for information, ESC has appointed a Data Protection Officer that you can reach

FESC Support Team

If you have any queries regarding the Fellowship of the ESC, we invite you to review the Fellowship FAQ or access theContact Us section and choose the category: Membership & Fellowship / Fellowship. Our dedicated FESC team is at your entire disposal and will be pleased to help on any matters related to Fellowship of the ESC.

Application criteria and renewal (2024)


What is meant by renewal application? ›

Renewal Application means a document used to collect pertinent data for renewal of permits.

Does NY State of Health automatically renew? ›

Due to requirements in federal law and other flexibilities, NY State of Health has kept you enrolled in Medicaid, Child Health Plus, or the Essential Plan without requiring you to renew your insurance every year.

What is the income limit to qualify for Medicaid in ny? ›

Eligibility and Cost
Family ContributionsMonthly Income by Family Size* (Effective for applications received on or after 2/18/2024)
Free Insurance$2,787$3,782
$15 Per Child Per Month (Maximum of $45 per family)$3,138$4,259
$30 Per Child Per Month (Maximum of $90 per family)$3,765$5,110
3 more rows

How do I check my Medicaid renewal status in ny? ›

For more information about the renewal process, you can call the HRA Medicaid Helpline at 888-692-6116. What will happen if I do not renew Medicaid by the deadline? If you do not renew insurance for yourself and/or your family members by the deadline we give you for your renewal, you might lose your health insurance.

What are examples of renewal? ›

Examples of renewal in a Sentence

License renewals can be done online. You can get a 10 percent savings on subscription renewals. High fuel prices have led to a renewal of interest in electric cars. She uses flowers in her art as symbols of rebirth and renewal.

How do I write a renewal application? ›

I would like to formally request the renewal of my employment contract, which is set to expire on [expiration date]. Over the past [contract period], I have had the privilege of working with [Company Name] and have been grateful for the opportunities and experiences it has provided.

What does health insurance renewal mean? ›

Health insurance renewals are a yearly occurrence during which insurance carriers adjust their rates and offerings, and allow employers to select the best plans. The process obviously includes insurance companies and employers, and it also includes employees at various stages.

What is the automatic renewal law in NY? ›

Under the new amendment to GBL 527-a, businesses must notify consumers of an upcoming automatic subscription renewal charge at least 15 days (but not more than 45 days) before the charge. The notice must also include how to cancel the subscription.

What is the income limit to qualify for Medicaid in NY in 2024? ›

For 2024, the income limits for both Community and Institutional Medicaid are: Married (both spouses applying): $2,351/month. Married (one spouse applying): $1,732/month for the applicant. Single: $1,732/month.

What happens if my income increases while on Medicaid NY? ›

If your monthly income is over the Medicaid level, you may still be able to get help with your medical bills. The amount your income is over the Medicaid level is called excess income. It is like a deductible.

How much money can a Medicaid recipient have in the bank in NY? ›

Explained: When an individual New Yorker applies for Medicaid to pay for nursing home costs, they can qualify if their available financial resources do not exceed $31,175. If they do have more resources than allowed, Medicaid will not approve benefits until they reduce their assets by spending them down.

Can you own a home and get Medicaid in NY? ›

If you are a senior citizen or disabled person in need of coverage through Medicaid and you own your own home, don't despair. Having large assets such as a home does not automatically disqualify you for Medicaid coverage.

What is the highest income to qualify for Medicaid? ›

Who is eligible for California Medicaid?
Household Size*Maximum Income Level (Per Year)
4 more rows

Do you have to pay back Medicaid in NY? ›

Unfortunately, Medicaid has a requirement that it be repaid from any assets which remain at death. This is often referred to as “Medicaid Payback” or “Medicaid Estate Recovery”. It is mandatory in all states.

Can seniors get Medicaid in NY? ›

If you are under 21 years of age, over 65 years of age, certified blind, certified disabled, pregnant, or a parent of a child under 21 years of age, you may be eligible for Medicaid if your income is above these levels and have medical bills.

What do you mean by renewal process? ›

Definition 7.1

Thus, a renewal process is a counting process such that the time until the first event occurs has some distribution F, the time between the first and second event has, independently of the time of the first event, the same distribution F, and so on.

What is the purpose of renewal notice? ›

an official document that tells you that an agreement will soon end, and an arrangement needs to be made if you want to continue it for an extra period of time: Your new insurance premium is shown on the enclosed renewal notice.

What does renewal mean simple? ›

: to become new or as new. 2. : to begin again : resume. 3. : to make a renewal (as of a lease)

What is the meaning of renewed form? ›

Related Definitions

Renewal Form means an application form to be completed by Program participants in each Benefit Period following the initial Benefit Period in order to continue to receive a Monthly Benefit.

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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

Phone: +9014805370218

Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.